Beat Bloat before Hitting the Beach

  May 16, 2014  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

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written by The Nutrition Twins,


Swimsuit season is around the corner, and even if you’ve been eating well and exercising, you may still feel a bit bloated when it’s time to hit the sand. Before you wriggle into your itsy-bitsy swimwear of choice, follow these four tips (below) for looking your best.  And check out these recipes and pointers to assist in your get-lean, bloat-free body:

Kale Recharge Smoothie

3-Ingredient Weight Loss Pancakes

The Easiest and Most Delicious Ways to Get Your Greens in the Morning

5 Steps to Cleanse Your Body, Detox & Recharge


1. Avoid carbonated drinks. Bubbles create gas in your stomach which causes bloat, so opt for water instead of soda. Flavor it with a twist of lemon, lime or orange to reap the benefits of hydration and get a dose of sweetness without excess calories or sodium. Plus, these fruits all provide a hint of potassium, which helps to counteract bloat-inducing sodium.

2. Nix salty and sweet snacks. To stay looking svelte, avoid excess salt and sugar. If you have too much of either, your body holds onto water to dilute the concentration. Just say no to chips, frozen treats, and sodium-laden deli meats, and instead, pack a salad topped with fresh sliced chicken and frozen fruit, which contains water and potassium to help flush out sodium and excess water.

3. Watch your coffee. Certain dairy items, including coffee creamer, can cause bloat, especially for those with lactose sensitivities. Soy milk also induces bloat for some, so monitor how you feel after you drink your morning cup of Joe—and think about taking it black on days you head to the beach. Even better: Sip iced green tea with mint and lemon for its potassium and diuretic-like benefits.

4. Avoid drinking through a straw. When you use a straw you take in excess air, which may fill your belly.

TELL US: How do you beat bloat?

Did you arrive at the beach bloat free thanks to these tips only to overdo it with indulgences while on the beach?  Check out these tips to rid “after the party bloat“!

Grapefruit Rosemary Detox Infusion

For more nutrition guidance and a ‘get healthy’ plan, please check out the “The Nutrition Twins Veggie Cure

Published on Fitbie on May 16, 2013


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