Crunchy Veggi-licous Chips!

  June 14, 2013  |    Blog

crunchy veggilicious chips

With summer approaching, the season for cookouts begins! Add an alternative, healthy twist to your cookout by replacing those greasy, salty potato chips with VEGGIE CHIPS! Not only are they much healthier, but they taste better too!

Veggie Chips are low calorie, low fat, AND provide a whole array of health benefits depending on the vegetable. And they are super easy to make!

Below is a list of suggested vegetables along with approximate cooking times and health benefits:

Kale (10-15 min.) Fiber, calcium, & iron

Carrots (30 min.), Beta- carotene

Beets (20 min.), Antioxidant betalain

Taro (20 min.), Dietary fiber & vitamin E

Green Beans (20 min.), Calcium(surprising little boost)

Sugar Snap Peas (20 min.), Vitamin K & manganese

Potatoes (25 min.), Vitamin C

Sweet Potatoes (25 min.), Vitamin A

Zucchini (15 min.), niacin & thiamine

Eggplant (25 min.), dietary fiber & manganese

Radishes (15 min.), folic acid & vitamin C

Turnips (25 min.), Vitamin B6

Whole Wheat, High-Fiber Pita Chips (15 min.), dietary fiber(not a veggie, of course! but another alternative for dipping instead of high- fat fried chips)


  • 1) Preheat oven to 350°F.

Slice your desired veggies very thin (about 1/16inch thick).

  • 2) Place them individually on a nonstick baking pan and drizzle a very little amount of olive oil and salt (pepper and other spices are optional). * We actually prefer to put our oil in a spray bottle to still get the flavor but minimize the calories.
  • 3) Put them in the oven at 350Fo. Some veggies take quicker than others so check in on them periodically. (See the list above for the estimated cooking time for each vegetable.)
  • 4) As veggies look like they are beginning to get crispy (about half way through baking time), flip them.
  • 5) Once veggies are equivalent to the crispiness of a chip, remove them from the oven before burning.
  • 6) After veggies have cooled, enjoy them for snacks, with meals and on-the go! They are fantastic light summertime treats!

*Note. Vegetables shrink a significant amount after baking. Therefore, you may want to bake more than you would expect.

veggie chips 2

veggie chips sliced

Sliced vegetables on nonstick baking pan!

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