The Story of The Great Pumpkin Man

  October 3, 2012  |    Blog

Halloween is just around the corner and Halloween goodies surround us everywhere.


Tammy just went to her daughters’ school Harvest Festival, and there was an entire cafeteria filled with candy and other sugar-filled goodies. It’s hard to prevent kids from overdoing it– her girls asked for everything from the cat-faced cupcakes with the licorice whiskers to the chocolate chip cookies to the candy bars. What’s a parent to do to prevent their kids from experiencing the ill-effects of over-doing the candy? After all, who wants to deal with a kid who has experienced a sugar-high followed by a sugar crash– and the subsequent temper tantrums? And that’s just the beginning, continue with bad habits and it can lead to diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

That’s why we were thrilled to find a book that discourages children from over-indulging in candy. The Story of the Great Pumpkin Man is a new children’s book that puts a healthy spin on Halloween. The story is written by Dr. Kirk Rossiter and his wife Sofia. The duo is dedicated to preventing childhood obesity and they provide families with the perfect tool to celebrate Halloween- without consuming copious amounts of candy.
Passionate about the field of children’s health, the Rossiters originally developed the tale as a way to discourage their children from over-indulging in candy.

We love the entire idea. Here’s more info about the book so that you can help your family to be more healthy:

The Story of the Great Pumpkin Man
By Dr. Kirk Rossiter and Sofia Rossiter
ISBN: 978-1-4691-7989-6
Paperback, retail price: $21.99
Available through and

What do you do to prevent your kids from overdoing it on Halloween?

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