Featured Reader: Janice Masvidad

  August 11, 2010  |    Blog

Janice Masvidad’s Transformation with The Nutrition Twins
Height: 5’ 9½”
Size: Before: pushing the limits of 14 — After: 6 or 8
Weight Before: 195
Weight After: 145
Photo Before:janjakelibertybell2
Photo After:janjakedance2
Janice tells us how she did it with The Nutrition Twins:

About 2 years after being treated for breast cancer, and a year after a hysterectomy, my weight and body felt and looked terrible. I knew that I needed to change my eating and exercising habits – not just go on a diet. The changes needed to be permanent and part of my life going forward, not just a quick fix. I heard about the Nutrition Twins thru the NBC Fitness Center at work and called them. We met in one-on-one (actually one-on-Twins) counseling sessions where the Twins helped me set up strategies for healthy eating and exercising.

Janice’s Describes Her Favorite Part of the Process:

There are so many parts of the process that I like. I like the surprised reaction of people who have not seen me in a while. I like being asked for advice on losing weight and getting into shape. I like the way I look. I love buying new clothes. I like the way I feel. But my favorite part is what my doctors have said to me about my health and physical condition now -Two of them have even asked me for advice on getting fit!

Janice tells us about her eating with The Nutrition Twins:

I started out by following the individual plan the Twins devised for me. We planned how I could eat about 5 times a day so that I would never get hungry while eating nutritious foods that I actually liked. I also purchased a comprehensive calorie counter book and kept a daily food journal with a running total of my calorie consumption. Breakfast during the week is an egg white omelet with mushrooms or herbs with a whole grain pita or other bread (less than 150 calories total). When I arrive at work I snack on about a half cup of whole grain cereal (Barbara’s) with my coffee as I read my email. At 11AM, I eat either a Dannon Light-N-Fit yogurt or an apple. My 4:00 pm snack could be an apple, a 100 Calorie Snack pack – the Ritz chips are my favorite- or a low calorie snack bar. I usually vary lunch and dinner. I’ve started bringing my lunch to work; this allows me to eat foods I really like and control the portion size. I’ve learned how to cook low fat versions of Indian food and so I usually eat veggie based lunches. I find that when I am eating something that is spiced and flavorful I eat less and feel satisfied. Dinners are generally some grilled protein – chicken, fish or less often meat, veggies – either steamed, sautéed with olive oil & garlic, or grilled, and sometimes a half cup of rice, wheat pilaf, or couscous (this depends on how many calories I’ve consumed during the day) I find that if I always have a low calorie snack in my bag, I never get so hungry that I wind up eating something because it is available, rather than what I should eat. On the weekends I vary my breakfast and daytime snacks using the calorie count as my guide. I also include a glass or two or wine or a cocktail with my dinner. I find that eating out is easy – I know all the calorie counts and order with my limits in mind- AND I never feel deprived.

Janice’s Describes Her Exercise:

I have set up a room in my house as a gym. Every workday morning I start my day by exercising there – 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer and 15-20 minutes of weight training. I have a training routine that varies the body part being worked on and I make sure that I continuously vary the exercises. Once every two weeks, I have a boxing trainer come to my home and train me. This is an intense 1 hour session that includes 4 rounds of boxing and then mat exercises with a 12 lb medicine ball. My training routine and workouts have made a radical change in my body which would not have been possible through diet alone.

Janice’s Word Of Advice:

Consciousness about what you are eating and how you are exercising is key. If you plan what you are going to eat and know how many calories you have consumed during the day, you can stay on track. Since this is a life change, not a temporary diet, variety is critical. Having a large personal menu of foods that work with your lifestyle keeps the focus on your eating plan being a lifetime plan, not a diet. I constantly look for and try new ways to prepare old favorite dishes or learn new cooking techniques. I vary the intensity and duration of my workouts so that I don’t do them on auto-pilot and on days I really don’t feel like working out- I push myself to do something. It’s amazing how once I start exercising it feels good and I can get into it.

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