
  October 15, 2013  |    Blog

Authors of: the upcoming: The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure: Expert Advice and Tantalizing Recipes for Health, Energy and Beauty (January 2014) The Secret To Skinny: How Salt Makes You Fat and the 4-Week Plan to Drop a Size & Get Healthier with Simple Low-Sodium Swaps and Fire Up Your Metabolism: 9 Proven Principles of Fat …

Skinny Halloween Treats for the Candy Lover

  October 10, 2013  |    Blog

Hello Halloween (and Candy) Lovers! 🙂 By now you’ve read all of our tips to help you from overdoing it on the candy and you’ve seen our delicious and healthy foods to have around so that you are excited to eat it–and not tempted by the candy.  BUT–what if a candy lover just wants a …

Lying Leg Lifts

  October 7, 2013  |    Blog

Ab Crunches Not Getting the Job Done? Hello LYING LEG LIFTS! Crunches and sit-ups target the upper abdominals and may not be giving you the results you want to tone your lower belly. Try these lying leg lifts to engage your lower abdominals! How to: 1. Lay in supine position on a mat—this means lying …

Halloween–Do-IT Swaps!

  October 7, 2013  |    Blog

Swapping those high calorie, low nutrient foods like candy and sweets for healthier foods with the same taste is the perfect way to hit all of those cravings while staying healthy! Want something sour? Try green apples instead of sour candy for a boost of fiber for long lasting energy! For a different sweet and …