Should You Go Vegan?

  December 22, 2013  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

As seen on December 22nd, 2013 on: written by The Nutrition Twins,   Famous vegans like Natalie Portman, Ellen Degeneres, and now Beyoncé may have you interested in—or at least curious about—adopting an all-plant diet. But is a vegan lifestyle really better? For one, you have to forgo all animal products, including eggs, dairy, and (if you’re …

Skinny Gingersnaps

  December 22, 2013  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

These little numbers are a great way to squash a sweet tooth craving in only 88 calories! Sweet, savory and perfectly satisfying– they are such a treat for us and feel indulgent,  but they’re guilt-free! (Psst… our site is filled with hundreds of guilt-free recipes– feel free to search for whatever type of recipe your …

Simple Sugar Swaps

  December 20, 2013  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

As seen on: Written by The Nutrition Twins Lately a lot of our clients have expressed interest in cutting their sugar consumption from unnaturally occurring sugar sources.  Most of them want to start by cutting the sugar that they add to their foods themselves in coffee, tea, oatmeal, et cetera. For those clients, we suggest …