Thigh Sculpting Workout Routine

  July 8, 2020  |    Blog

If you’re looking for an at-home workout routine that can strengthen and tone your legs without being overly complicated and that will boost your metabolism, this Thigh Sculpting Workout Routine is for you. Even though the first time we created this anytime, anywhere workout routine we were outside, we’ve done it almost entirely indoors since! The reason this is not only great for building strength and toning all parts of the legs as well as for boosting metabolism is because both cardio and strength training boost metabolism–and this exercise does both.  First, you strengthen your muscles which boosts metabolism, and then you get your heart pumping when you do this continuously, giving you cardiovascular metabolism-boosting exercise too. This truly is an easy exercise routine to get in shape–and to jumpstart your weight loss, if that’s your goal.


While this video below demonstrates the exercises. We walk you through the moves below.

The key while doing each of these moves is to keep your abs tight and engaged. This allows you to use the muscles you’re targeting rather than relying on other assisting muscles to do the work for you–so keeping your abs tight helps to make sure the exercise is effective–and it prevents you from hurting yourself. With each of these exercises, make sure you’re breathing normally.


The first exercise in the Thigh Sculpting Workout Routine is front and back  lunges.


When you step forward you’ll be working the quads (front of your legs) and when you step back you’ll be working your booty.


  1. Stand with feet hips distance apart, abs tight and hands on your hips.
  2. Step forward about 3 feet with your right foot until your knee is bending 90 degrees.
  3. Your back leg will also be bending about 90 degrees and it should be about 2 inches off the ground.
  4. Return to standing position by pressing off the heel of your right leg and using your glutes and hamstring muscles to push you back to the start position.
  5. Now step back (about 3 feet) with your right leg. Both of your knees should be bent about 90-degrees. Your front leg should be parallel to the ground and your right knee should be about 2 inches above the ground.
  6. To return to standing position, keep your abs tight and most of your weight on your front leg as you press into your right heel and straighten your right leg.
  7. Repeat the forward and back lunch with the left leg going forward and back.


Tip: As you perform these lunges, make sure that your front knee doesn’t go beyond your toes. Keep your front knee over the ankle.

Perform 60 repetitions (30 per leg).

If you’d like this to be more challenging, hold hand weights.


Next up –reverse lunge with a knee lift.

You’ll be working your glutes quads and hamstrings.

1. Just as you performed the back lunge in the forward and back lunge move, keep your abs tight and lunge back with your right foot (about 3 feet). Both of your knees should be bent about 90-degrees. Your front leg should be parallel to the ground and your right knee should be about 2 inches above the ground.

2.  With your abs tight and engaged, extend both knees and transfer your weight onto your left foot.  At the same time, lift up your right foot, bringing your knee towards your chest.

3.  Drop your right knee and lower your foot back to the ground.  Repeat this move now with your left leg lunging back and then moving it up towards your chest.

Perform 60 repetitions (3o per leg).

If you’d like to make this harder, add a small jump as you move your knee to your chest.


Next up –squat with straight leg lift.

You’ll be working your glutes quads and hamstrings and outer thighs.

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart (or slightly wider). Clasp your hands in front of you or place them on your hips.

2.  Bend your knees and lower your hips back and down until your thighs are parallel with the ground and your knees are 90 degrees. Keep your abs tights, your back straight and chest up. Don’t let your knees extend in front of your toes.



3. Press through your heels to stand (keeping your abs tight) and simultaneously lift your right leg up out to the side.


4.  Return to the starting position. Squat down again and this time lift your left leg up out to the side.


Perform 40 repetitions (20 per leg).

Next up — head on lunge to 5 o’clock lunge. 

You’ll be working your glutes, quads, hamstrings, inner & outer thighs (and of course your core).

1. Stand with feet hips distance apart, abs tight and hands on your hips.

2. Step forward about 3 feet with your right foot until your knee is bending 90 degrees.

3. Your back leg will also be bending about 90 degrees and it should be about 2 inches off the ground.

4. Return to standing position by pressing off the heel of your right leg and using your glutes and hamstring muscles to push you back to the start position.

  1. With your feet hip distance apart, take a big step with your right foot as you rotate away (clockwise) from your body toward the 5-o’clock position.


  1. As your right foot lands, bend your knees and push your butt back to lower into a lateral lunge.


  1. Push through your right heel to stand and rotate back into the starting position.


  1. This time, repeat the beginning movement with the straight ahead lunge, but using your left leg.


9. When you return to the standing position, perform the 5 o’clock lunge, using the left leg first.  This is one rep.

Repeat this series 2-3 times for best results.

If you’re curious about how much exercise you actually need to do boost metabolism, you can learn more about it here.

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Boosting their metabolism through exercise and diet and toning up are a few of the ways our clients are able to hit their weight loss goals, without depriving themselves or relying on willpower. Wanna find out 3 more secrets to weight loss without willpower? Stay tuned to grab our new free guide!


































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