Veggie Frittata Bites

  January 17, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Recipe from The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure book   For us–and for our clients, one of the best things in the world is a quick breakfast that we can grab on-the-go -and that’s healthy and satiating!  One of the most popular recipes from our book, The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure, was this very recipe!  These …

National Soup Month – Chickpea Lentil Soup!

  January 13, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes>Lunch/Dinner

We’re all about warm weather, so we have some tricks to make January feel a little less chilling–like by cozying up with a bowl of delicious hot soup. And it’s the perfect time since January is National Soup Month! We’ve tried this new soup that is just to die for and a great way to …

Coco Strawberry Slushie

  January 9, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Looking for the perfect drink that feels like a treat but that also restores your normal fluid balance and your electrolytes and boosts your immune system, too? Our Coco Strawberry Slushie is the perfect fix—great after a workout, packed with potassium to help prevent muscle cramps!  Plus, it’s made with quality carbohydrates and clocks in at just …

Lemon-Lime Detox Spritzer

  January 3, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Goodbye puffiness, extra weight and bloat! This 6 calorie (yes!) delish beverage is rich in potassium and water– so it will restore normal fluid balance and flush sodium that holds bloat.  Drink it throughout the day to stay hydrated and flush bloat! Hello Skinny Jeans! 🙂  Enjoy! (Psst.. in addition to starting our day by …