Chocolate Avocado Pudding

  July 4, 2018  |    Blog>Recipes>Desserts

Awww, come on now, did anyone not expect these two twin registered dietitian nutritionists and avocado & chocolate lovers to not eventually mix these two loves together to make a rich, creamy, scrumptious, yet healthy pudding?! 🙂 It was just too easy with them both always staring us down! 🙂 This number takes all of …

Healthy Bruschetta Hotdogs (Organic!)

  July 1, 2018  |    Blog>Recipes>Lunch/Dinner

Growing up, we were raised in a very health-minded house where our mom cooked everything from scratch and was often found whipping up her homemade granola (you may have read our other blogs where we often describe our parents as having been hippies—minus the drugs!). You’d assume that since our parents would be all for …

Chicken Tacos with California Prunes Salsa

  June 3, 2018  |    Blog>Recipes>Lunch/Dinner

As picky little kids who’d only eat our beloved PB&J sandwiches, you’d probably be surprised to know that when asked where we’d like to go to eat for our birthday dinner that we’d pick a Mexican restaurant—spices and all. We’d always order a taco salad and just loved it. So now, as girls who love …