Easy Berry Stuffed Egg Crepes

  October 6, 2016  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

Yes, we admit, even though we’ve been registered dietitians and personal trainers for 15 years and we now know when a nutrition craze deserves the attention,  as teenagers, we fell prey to one of the biggest nutrition “crazes”.   The fat-free trend had us gobbling up fat-free Entenmann’s desserts because we thought fat-free must equal good.  …

Healthy Back to School Bites with Cranberries

  August 11, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

If you’ve read our other blogs, by now you know it’s no secret that although we’re veggie-loving twin sisters, registered dietitians and personal trainers who are lucky to like a lot of healthy foods, we both also have a wicked sweet tooth that we work hard to keep in check.  Fortunately, we’ve got many strategies …

Skinny Breakfast Pizza

  August 3, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

  It’s not a dream…but it is a dream come true! These veggie-loving twin sisters, registered dietitian nutritionists and personal trainers are telling you to eat pizza! And to do it for breakfast! Woohoo! This meal is so satisfying and it makes the perfect brunch party pleaser. While most pizza and most breakfasts for that …

Creamy Banana Avocado Smoothie

  June 24, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

Ah, avocados and bananas! If you only knew how many times these items came to my rescue…I truly have no idea what I’d do without these two saving graces. In fact, my boyfriend, Darren and I have a standing joke surrounding avos (that’s what we call our bestie) and bananas. Every time I make Darren …