Easy Ways to Get More Vegetables in Your Diet

  February 23, 2020  |    Blog

Most people realize they need more veggies, but tend to leave them out of their meals. They simply need a little help or encouragement to actually get them! Once people see how easily vegetables can be deliciously incorporated into their lives, they start to bump up their intake. Besides making/ordering omelets, sandwiches, pizzas, wraps and …

Easy Turmeric Avocado Egg Salad

  October 23, 2018  |    Blog

By now you probably know that we’re girls who have countless love affairs with far too many foods to count (some may say some of our favorite foods are a bit, well, strange, but we prefer to call them “unique.” ☺ Red cabbage, anyone?). And although we’re identical twin sisters, Lyssie fell first– hard and …

Should you go keto?

  July 19, 2018  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

As registered dietitian nutritionists, we’re always keeping our eyes on the latest trends in the nutrition world, and one thing we keep seeing pop up is the keto (aka ketogenic) diet. Many of you have been asking if you should give the keto diet a shot, since it seems like everyone has a friend, coworker, …

Chicken Tacos with California Prunes Salsa

  June 3, 2018  |    Blog>Recipes>Lunch/Dinner

As picky little kids who’d only eat our beloved PB&J sandwiches, you’d probably be surprised to know that when asked where we’d like to go to eat for our birthday dinner that we’d pick a Mexican restaurant—spices and all. We’d always order a taco salad and just loved it. So now, as girls who love …