Small Changes = BIG Results

  January 24, 2012  |    Blog


Ever heard of the saying, “a little bit goes a long way?” Well, if you have, it’s because it’s true! Making small adjustments to your exercise and eating habits can result in BIG changes.

Need a little motivation? The little things you do matter

Eating 100 less calories a day could add up to a 10-pound weight loss in a single year!

So by eliminating one piece of bread, cutting out that after dinner cookie, or using one less tablespoon of dressing could result in you being 10 pounds lighter by the start of 2013.

Swap one soda a day for 2 glasses of water.

While everyone knows water is healthier for you than sodas (diet or otherwise), swapping out 1 of your sodas for water leads to a huge drop in calories. One 12-ouncecan of Coca Cola has 140 calories. If you had one less per day, that’d be a 14.6 pound weight loss in one year.

Switch your sandwich topping.

Mayonnaise is all fat, and while some foods provide “good” fats, mayo contains trans fats. Using 2 tablespoons of mustard (30 calories) on your sandwiches instead of 2 tablespoons of mayo (180 calories) results in a big, 150-calorie difference!

Stop sending all of those emails.

Face-to-face social interactions not only make you happier, they could lead to weight loss. Step up your level of activity by walking around the office instead of shooting out emails nonstop and you could strip away another 100 calories daily, or 10 pounds a year.

Go for a walk!

If you’re sitting in front a computer all day, in addition to getting very tired, you’re losing out on an opportunity to lose weight, and stay alert. Take a 10 minute walk in the middle of your afternoon slump, and come back awake and ready to work, and (by the end of the year) a few pounds lighter.

Do you see where we’re going with this …making small changes are often much more manageable than going on some drastic diet, and they end up yielding HUGE results.

What small changes are you going to make this year?

Our New book is now available! For delicious and easy ways to help you eat healthfully, please check out our new book! The Nutrition Twins Veggie Cure! Click here to get it on Amazon! Please let us know what you think of the recipes–we’ve got more than 100 yummy ones!!  Enjoy! 🙂

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