Bosu Ball Workout, Get Out of Your Rut!

  June 30, 2011  |    Blog

Bored of your workout routine? Get out of your rut with our obsession- the BOSU ball! Never tried it? Picture an exercise ball cut in half, with a flat, plastic bottom. The rounded, rubber top makes you work extra hard to stabilize and strengthen your core, while working the rest of your muscles even harder. …

Low Glycemic Load

  June 27, 2011  |    Blog

Have you ever eaten a meal and felt ravenous after only an hour? A fast metabolism is one thing, but there’s got to be another reason why you’re famished in the time it takes to do the dishes. What we eat does determine how quickly we feel hungry again and how long it takes before …

Snack Attack! Making Better Choices

  June 25, 2011  |    Blog

Snacking gets a bad rap. But it shouldn’t! When we make smart decisions, snacks fend off hunger, reduce portion sizes at regular meals, and keep our metabolism running full speed ahead. We know it’s easy to fall prey to clever advertising and marketing campaigns that lead us to believe that candy bars, chips, cookies, and …