
  October 8, 2010  |    Uncategorized

Tammy Lakatos Shames and Elysse (“Lyssie”) Lakatos, The Nutrition Twins®, are twin sisters and nationally recognized registered dietitians and personal trainers with 15 years of experience helping thousands of clients boost their energy naturally, get healthier, happier and into tip-top shape. Through their books, media appearances, nutrition counseling, lectures and blogs, they’ve built a brand …


  October 8, 2010  |    Uncategorized

Private Counseling Our counseling sessions are highly individualized in order to accommodate your unique lifestyles & personal food preferences. We help you to modify your behaviors so that you will succeed in your goals. Initial Nutrition Counseling This detailed session includes an assessment of your diet, lifestyle and fitness habits so that we can construct …


  October 8, 2010  |    Uncategorized

The Secret To Skinny by The Nutrition Twins® Tammy Lakotos Shames, R.D. and Lyssie Lakotos, R.D. The Nutrition Twins® have helped hundreds of clients lose weight, eliminate bloating, and tone up for good on their salt-slashing program—with the side benefits of reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Simple and effective, their 4-week diet is built …