On-The-Go Cherry Oats

  November 14, 2017  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

This morning I (Lyssie), like most mornings, found myself racing out the door to meet my friend, Sean, a personal trainer at my gym for a jog on the treadmill.  As we jogged, I was telling him that my mornings always seem to be hectic and thank goodness for my energy-boosting, satisfying, quickie breakfast and …

Frozen Yogurt Bark with Blueberries & Pomegranate

  October 29, 2017  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

As registered dietitians and personal trainers you may think that since we eat a healthy diet, exercise and love veggies that we automatically must just not like sweets. Ha! If only! The truth is we love chocolate and frozen desserts—and have a long love affair with fro-yo. It started in high school when one our …

5-Ingredient Microwave Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

  October 15, 2017  |    Blog>Recipes>Desserts

    Yesterday, it happened… While as identical twin sisters we pride ourselves in both being veggie-loving, registered dietitians and personal trainers who have an identical love for chocolate (plus a thang for sweets 😉 that we work hard to keep from getting the best of us—and from you), we also pride ourselves in having …

Orange Creamsicle Overnight Oats

  October 8, 2017  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

We have a long love affair with orange creamsicles that dates back to elementary school. While our cook-everything-from-scratch, granola baking hippie (minus the drugs) mom, who had the best intentions to keep us healthy, gave us her low-sugar, home-cooked dessert every night, she did give us money to buy ice cream at school every Friday …