Sbarro Skinny Slice!

  March 25, 2013  |    Blog

Do you crave pizza but hate all of the calories? If so, you’re in luck! Sbarro has launched their ultra-delish Skinny Slice– and not only is it absolutely heavenly, but a very large slice is only 270 calories! So you can satisfy your pizza craving and stay on track with your weight loss plan and …

Roasted Butternut Squash with Garlic and Parsley

  March 23, 2013  |    Blog

Today is the Great American MeatOut Day! This is a day to promote the health and environmental benefits of a plant based diet. Adding more high-fiber beans, whole grains, fruits, and veggies can make a lasting impact on your health and can be quick and easy. Often, a vegan diet is thought to contain only …

Not Fried, Fried Chicken

  March 22, 2013  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

  March is National Nutrition Month and this year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics chose “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day”! as the theme. To us, this means keep eating the things that are part of your culture and that you love, but try to make them a bit healthier. So, hello scrumptious and …

Skinny, Speedy Walnut Oatmeal Cookies

  March 22, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes>Desserts

If you are like us and have a sweet tooth (yep, we love veggies, ginger, and even bitter spices like turmeric but that doesn’t make us automatically not like sweets. Ha, if only!), then you’ll love this recipe. Not only is it super easy but it’s healthy and won’t cause a sugar coma afterwards.   …