This is why FAT is In

  May 3, 2016  |    Blog

If you get our e-newsletter, in early May you opened one titled “Kale is out, Fat is In“, and then only days letter received our newsletter that read this:   You know that moment when you hit “send” and your heart sinks?  We just had one.  Ugh… after a hectic Mother’s Day and one twin not …

Cheeseburger Lettuce Wraps

  April 22, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes

By now you probably know that as registered dietitians and gals who love to whip up new dishes in the kitchen, one of the things we love most is sharing our healthy creations with you. Although most of our creations are veggie-centered, meatless, or contain poultry or seafood, many of you have requested healthy meals …

Veggie Packed Chicken and Egg Stir Fry

  April 14, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

Veggies and dogs…they’re like peanut butter and jelly. You can’t have one without thinking about the other. Well, at least that was the case for us before we were the veggie loving registered dietitians and personal trainers you now know! 🙂 Yep, as kids, as soon as we’d see our salad with our dinner, we’d …

Berry Mint “Detox”

  April 9, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes

As registered dietitians and personal trainers, our clients always ask us for healthy recipes.  Lately, one of our most popular requests is for drinks that are going to help flatten the belly and flush toxins and wastes out of the body.  And who are we to disappoint?  J  So we’ve created another bevvie that you …