Stick with It!

  January 7, 2012  |    Blog

Now that you’re a few days into 2012, it is important that you stick with your resolutions. Here are a few tips we employ (and we teach our clients to do too!), to make sure we stay on track: Make your goals/resolutions achievable! If you’ve never run a marathon, you’re not going to be ready …

It Takes JUST 21 Days!

  January 5, 2012  |    Blog

Is it just us, or have you also noticed that the gym is flooded with people you’ve never seen before for the first few days of the New Year? Although we find it frustrating when we have to wait to use equipment that we can usually hop right on at the same time we’re so …


  January 5, 2012  |    Blog

The holidays have come and gone, and a lot of us tend to feel like we’re carrying a little bit of them with us in the form of some not so welcome extra pounds. This extra holiday weight can make your clothing too tight, and can be discouraging, but don’t let it deter you from …