Strengthen Your Midsection with Good Posture

  July 9, 2011  |    Blog

What’s the best way to strengthen your core? Although regularly performing crunches for your core, obliques, and lower abs is a sure-fire way to strengthen and tone your midsection, here’s an overlooked secret that goes a long way in achieving that flat, flaunt worthy stomach: it all begins with your posture. When sitting or standing, …

Quick, Easy, Protein-packed breakfast

  June 30, 2011  |    Blog

Feeling sluggish by lunchtime? You may not be giving your body enough fuel in the morning! We’ve said it before—breakfast is just as important as your other meals, and you need to make sure you’re giving yourself sufficient energy to get through your busy day. We love these oat pancakes, made with heart-healthy rolled oats …

Bosu Ball Workout, Get Out of Your Rut!

  June 30, 2011  |    Blog

Bored of your workout routine? Get out of your rut with our obsession- the BOSU ball! Never tried it? Picture an exercise ball cut in half, with a flat, plastic bottom. The rounded, rubber top makes you work extra hard to stabilize and strengthen your core, while working the rest of your muscles even harder. …

Frozen Veggies, The Solution for Brown Produce

  June 30, 2011  |    Blog

It’s summer and no one wants to spend all day shopping for dinner! When you’re busy, it’s difficult to always have fresh produce in the fridge. And sometimes, after a day or two, that spinach you bought is wilted and the broccoli’s brown! What’s the solution? We always keep family-sized bags of frozen vegetables in …