Stay Calm And Energized During The Holidays

  December 21, 2012  |    Blog

The holidays are finally here! Woohoo! We love the holiday season – it’s all about giving to others and spending time with the ones you love. But all of the stress that comes along with the season can seriously drain your ENERGY! We try our best to avoid stress altogether, but it’s not easy to …

Step Up Your Lunch!

  December 20, 2012  |    Blog

Packing lunch saves money and can be much healthier than buying fast food! Here are some lunch swaps that will keep your energy level high and steer you away from the less healthy options that will weigh you down and cause that after-lunch slump: Replace this: Cream cheese on a bagel With this: Natural peanut …

Francesca Dell’olio

  December 18, 2012  |    Blog

Meet our fantastic intern Francesca! She’s created some of the delicious recipes we’ve shared with you. Here’s what she has to say about what she does to stay healthy and full of energy. She also shares her favorite food and what she does for exercise! School: I am currently studying Psychology at Pennsylvania State University …

Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Mushrooms

  December 15, 2012  |    Blog

Looking for a delicious and healthy pasta alternative? You’ve gotta try this hearty pasta dish, that doesn’t cause a post meal “carb coma”! This roasted spaghetti squash recipe will satisfy you and leave you feeling light, so you’ll have the energy you need for this busy time of year! Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Mushrooms Ingredients: …