Coco Strawberry Slushie

  January 9, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Looking for the perfect drink that feels like a treat but that also restores your normal fluid balance and your electrolytes and boosts your immune system, too? Our Coco Strawberry Slushie is the perfect fix—great after a workout, packed with potassium to help prevent muscle cramps!  Plus, it’s made with quality carbohydrates and clocks in at just …

4 Reasons You’re Addicted to Sweets

  January 7, 2014  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

As seen on: written by The Nutrition Twins,   As registered dietitians, we’ve encountered many a sweet tooth over the years. Our clients often tell us that they suffer from sugar addiction to the point that they can’t control themselves around the cookie tray, and their desire for dessert is sabotaging their workouts and otherwise …

Lemon-Lime Detox Spritzer

  January 3, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Goodbye puffiness, extra weight and bloat! This 6 calorie (yes!) delish beverage is rich in potassium and water– so it will restore normal fluid balance and flush sodium that holds bloat.  Drink it throughout the day to stay hydrated and flush bloat! Hello Skinny Jeans! 🙂  Enjoy! (Psst.. in addition to starting our day by …

Cranberry Sparkle Spritzer

  December 31, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

After we shared some our waistline friendly cocktails, like our Skinny Orange Mangorita and our Watermelon Fresca you told us how much you loved them and that you’d like more.  Thank you!! You have no idea how much it makes our day to hear from you and that you like the information and recipes we …