How To Survive Menopause

  August 13, 2013  |    Blog

GUEST POST by Lisa Davies Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her menstrual periods stop and do not re-start.  This can occur anytime between the age of 40 and 55.  When menstruation stops you will no longer be able to get pregnant.  If it occurs before the age of 40, this is …

Take 2! Busting Health Myths!

  August 10, 2013  |    Blog

“Eggs are bad for heart health.” This myth we’ve heard for many years. It’s been so up and down in the nutrition and health profession that we thought we needed to set this myth straight! Here are the facts… Eggs are low in saturated fat—about 1.5 g per one large egg You should get less …

Myth Busting!

  August 9, 2013  |    Blog

Did you know that most people believe at least one health myth without realizing it’s actually a myth? What about this one?– “If you swallow gum it will take 7 years to digest.” That’s a myth! And we want to crack the case for you on another major myth! “We should all be drinking eight …

Breakfast Is Served!

  August 6, 2013  |    Blog

It’s August now, which means one thing – the new school year is quickly approaching!! This is the time we help our clients to stay on the healthy track despite leaving the summer, more laid back lifestyle.  We help them to plan meals in advance, have everything ready the night before, etc, so they’re ready …